Week 8
Coming up this week...
We are currently looking at the different types of figurative language that we use in our everyday lives. The children have been fascinated with puns and idioms imparticular. We are reading texts that contain rich descriptive and figurative language and discussing the meaning behind the words that are written. These is also feeding into their writing, describing their dream bedroom.
We are mixing it up this week and doing lots of collaborative problem-solving with Room 10. The children have been doing relays, solving problems one at a time in mixed ability groups so that everyone gets a fair go. They are becoming more able to communicate clearly and use mathematical language with more confidence. We will also be looking at patterns using fractions later in the week, creating what we hope will result in some beautiful artwork.
We are going to continue our science with Miss Mihaljevich and look further into solutions. Below are some of the photos from our session last week, heating sugar cubes with fire. We also got to dissolve copper sulphate in hot water over a methylated spirit flame to create a solution. We poured some solution onto a plate to allow the water to evaporate and to create a seed crystal. Using the seed crystal we will hopefully be able to grow our own individual crystals to take home.
We are doing lots of observing and recording what we see. Thinking about why things happen and whether the changes are physical or chemical.
Week 5
Coming up this week...
Week 3
Coming up this week...
Coming up this week...
Coming up this week...
P.E with Mrs Llyod - Life jacket safety, children will need togs
Music with Miss Cosio
Music with Miss Cosio
Swimming a possibility today...bring your togs!
Swimming a possibility today...bring your togs!
Friday - Mufti day - wear red or Fire Station themed
Raising money for our local fire station so lets all remember our gold coin donation.
Raising money for our local fire station so lets all remember our gold coin donation.
Jump Jam 9am
Whole school assembly 2.15pm
Literacy this weekWhole school assembly 2.15pm
We are currently looking at the different types of figurative language that we use in our everyday lives. The children have been fascinated with puns and idioms imparticular. We are reading texts that contain rich descriptive and figurative language and discussing the meaning behind the words that are written. These is also feeding into their writing, describing their dream bedroom.
We are mixing it up this week and doing lots of collaborative problem-solving with Room 10. The children have been doing relays, solving problems one at a time in mixed ability groups so that everyone gets a fair go. They are becoming more able to communicate clearly and use mathematical language with more confidence. We will also be looking at patterns using fractions later in the week, creating what we hope will result in some beautiful artwork.
We are going to continue our science with Miss Mihaljevich and look further into solutions. Below are some of the photos from our session last week, heating sugar cubes with fire. We also got to dissolve copper sulphate in hot water over a methylated spirit flame to create a solution. We poured some solution onto a plate to allow the water to evaporate and to create a seed crystal. Using the seed crystal we will hopefully be able to grow our own individual crystals to take home.
We are doing lots of observing and recording what we see. Thinking about why things happen and whether the changes are physical or chemical.
Week 5
Coming up this week...
P.E with Mrs Llyod
Music with Miss Cosio
Music with Miss Cosio
P.E with Room 10 - Athletics
P.E with Room 10 - Athletics
Swimming this week...don't forget your togs!
Swimming this week...don't forget your togs!
Athletics Day in Riverhead. Please remember to pack sunscreen, hat, water bottle and a big lunch for extra energy
Jump Jam 9am
Whole school assembly 2.15pm
Whole school assembly 2.15pm
Coming up this week...
WALKING WEDNESDAY - Meet at the domain at 8.30 to walk with the travel wise Zebra
WALKING WEDNESDAY - Meet at the domain at 8.30 to walk with the travel wise Zebra
Beginning in Week 5 - Swimming
Jump Jam 9am
Whole school assembly 2.15pm
Week 2
This week will be spending a lot of time getting ready for camp. Below is the gear list to help you get organised...
Please remember that all items MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED.
MERC / EOTC Overnight:
Students should be dressed in suitable outdoor clothing for day activities.
They will need:
- Togs
- Towel
- Suitable, sturdy footwear
- Morning tea (day one)
- Lunch (day one)
- water bottle with WATER to drink
- Plastic bag(s) for wet clothing
- Raincoat
- jumper / sweat shirt
- Sunscreen and hat
The personal equipment and clothing listed below is to give you time to get organised.
- sleeping bag
- fitted single sheet to cover mattress is recommended
- sweatshirt
- pillow and pillowslip
- towel
- underwear
- socks / shoes
- toilet gear
- pyjamas
- plastic bags – for wet & dirty gear
- scuffs/shoes for inside or around the Lodge
- shorts, longs (tracksuit)
- a tea towel (named)
- Plastic plate, bowl, cup and cutlery
- Torch with good batteries (optional)
A practical NOT a fashionable wardrobe is needed.
No sweets, chewing gum, devices, radios, phones, jewellery or spending money is needed.
We will be meeting at school at 8.00am and leaving at 8.15am.
Coming up this week...
Library 9am-9.55am
P.E 1.40pm-2.15pm
P.E 1.40pm-2.15pm
Music 2.15pm-2.55pm
Beginning in Week 6 - Swimming
Jump Jam 9am
Whole school assembly 2.15pm
From our newsletter...
Spelling books should have come home tonight so please encourage your child to learn their new words. School calendar artwork and ordered products were also sent home today. Please get in touch as soon as possible if there is any problem with these orders.
You will also find an order form for your child's school photos at the bottom of their bag (it's possibly next to the spelling book and under the calendar art).
Camp is drawing ever near, so please make sure that I have all forms in and that you have made arrangements with the office for the payment of this if you have not yet done so. It is important that we have things in order as soon as possible. This is going to be such an awesome time for us as a class and I am so looking forward to getting along side the kids in a different setting.
We will continue our states of matter investigation this week. If you or your child have any cool experiments that you would like to share, please get in touch and we will see if we can make it happen. We have made Oobleck and are learning how to write up our observations. Ask your child how we made it and what happened. it is a very easy activity to do at home and one they can learn so much from.
Welcome back to Term 4
Coming up this week...
Science in a van 9.10am-10.30am
P.E 1.40pm-2.15pm
Music 2.15pm-2.55pm
Cricket workshop 9am-9.55am
Beginning in Week 6 - Swimming
Jump Jam 9am
Whole school assembly 2.15pm
Thank you to all of those who have handed in their camp booklets. If you have not done this, can you please get these back as soon as possible. Camp is now only 4 weeks away!
Our regular library day will be on a Monday so if you can try to remind your child to put their books in their bags for the beginning of the week, that would be fantastic.
While we don't have any official homework, we always have spelling words to learn. These should be coming home on a Monday with a new list of 10 words written down for that week. Books need to be back at school each Monday so students can test their words and create new lists.
This term our inquiry is SCIENCE: Reaction and Change. We are looking at the three states of matter and what happens to these in different situations. We will be integrating this through all areas of learning. In maths we will be looking at measurement, reading scales and specifically working with temperatures. In literacy we will be reading texts to feed into our science knowledge, while focussing specifically on summarising what we have read. We will be writing to describe. Not only what we see when we are doing experiments but also simple everyday processes, making sure that we use detail to create an image for the reader.
I'm sure that this term is going to fly by but I'm looking forward to seeing the students of Room 9 finish their year well. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or pop into the classroom.
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